06 December 2007

Flakes. For the memories.

A cold night on Irving Street NW.

Just doing my civic photobloggin' duty of capturing the first snowfall in DC for 2007. The stuff fell all day--a moist, packing snow. It blew sideways against street signs and held there like cobwebs. I had taken the camera for a walk during lunch, hoping to catch "the shot." You know the one. Some photojournalistic street scene involving typical DC power-brokers, angrily stomping down K Street in the driving snow, leaning into the gusts with their expensive black coats and scowling at the wet flakes...

ehh, screwit. Seemed more appropriate to keep it to the neighborhood. I'm sure the Post will run "the shot" today, as captured by somebody who actually got paid for it.

Gomez was hilarious with this. The last time he saw snow, he was 8 weeks old and roughly the size of a bread-bowl filled with freakout chowder.

He clearly didn't remember the stuff, but now, he fears it NOT AT ALL. New favorite activity is being totally obliterated with snowballs. He can't get enough. He'll stand there and beg for it:


This will be a very interesting season.


Anonymous said...

Technically, it's not the "first" snow of 2007. It snowed plenty in Feb. this year.

I know, I'm a party-pooper.

IntangibleArts said...

GAH! A data-heckler!
That's what I get for writing these things on an empty stomach and no caffeine...

Reya Mellicker said...

Any shot of Gomez is way more compelling than "the shot." When it snows I notice how I walk around taking the same pictures you see everywhere. Lots of contrast, like a still from an eastern European film from the 1950's.

Though I don't like being obliterated with snowballs, I do love snow. I don't have a car, I do have waterproof boots...what's not to love, right Gomez?

Quisp-Quake said...

So...did the city shut down when it snowed? I remember down there, more than a flurry, and the whole city was shut down...

We also got hit with snow up here in Maine...With my new job, I actually got a paid day off Monday as we got creamed...It was sweet, but having to shovel 14 inches of snow took some of the fun out of it!!! (Nigel & I shovelled 3 separate times, so it was never overkill...).

Happy winter!!!

Anonymous said...

Fresh snow on DC is beautiful. Great pics.