20 March 2008

Desperate times call for desperate sweaters.

Another found scene: Disembodied clothing contemplates the McMillan Reservoir, around the block from Intangible HQ.

I'm just emerging from another magazine deadline today, and my brain is a pickled punk. Thus, no beautiful prose, no neighborhood news. Not yet.

But I had to post the Desperate Sweater image to show that we ARE still alive.

And, it would seem, there is a filthy cotton ghost gripping the reservoir fence like a classic Cosby sweater run amok, slaughtering the Canada Geese that lounge in there, stuffing their bloated bodies down its ragged, woven neck-hole in a terrible feeding frenzy. Beware that sweater. It obviously has "issues" to work out.

It is wise to have a camera handy at all times.


Reya Mellicker said...

I know you think you're being funny, but you probably have picked up on something going on down there.

Poor filthy ghost. I always tell them to go find their grandparents. It sends them off in the right direction, towards release and healing. If that doesn't register, I suggest they go visit the Lincoln Memorial. I think there's a ghost "processing" station down there where they can pass through the veil and on to a better existence than feeding on geese.

Am I just the weirdest person ever? OK. I am. Harmless, though.

IntangibleArts said...

No, Reya... you are NOT the weirdest person ever. For that honor, you'd have to compete with a dude that experienced TRUE JOY when he typed the phrase "ragged, woven neck-hole". Hatching those words was the most fun I've had all week.

As for Ghost Processing Stations, I'd like to think there's something like that in Union Station, by that kiosk where the cops gather on their shiny Segways like a surreal futurist gang of well-dressed and slightly overweight hoodlums.

...oh praise Discordia that it's Friday...

Reya Mellicker said...

a dude that experienced TRUE JOY when he typed the phrase "ragged, woven neck-hole". Hatching those words was the most fun I've had all week.

Well. I hope next week is a whole lot more fun!!

Union Station feels to me like a gigantic washing machine. It's so cleaning! I can see how it could help ghosts move onwards and upwards.

The most stuck ghosts end up at the Vietnam and Lincoln memorials. Poor guys, still fighting the same battles they've been fighting since they died. I feel so sorry for them.

Jon said...

You guys are creeping me out!