Geese may come and go, but you may not: A view along the barbed wire fence separating the McMillan Reservoir from Howard University.
The perimeter of the fence makes an ideal dog-walking route. It's a groovy thing to have around, and Gomez adores the Canada Geese that socialize in the water. I'm sure they would adore him as well, if they'd ever get within pouncing range...
Not much else to declare. It's been mad busy around here.
Attended a great seminar-class-session-thing today with the great Edward Tufte, on the philosophy of information design: I'm hoping to inject a little fresh energy into my brain for the magazine's ongoing need for infographics and Dense Financial-Analysis Chart Thingies (or DFACTs, for short).
As always, the challenge is to come up with genius designs on the fly with very little time. Even as a monthly publication, the pages always get to the art dept. with less than a week before it's all due to the printer. So the key is to pre-load the brain with Wicked Awesome Ideas (WIAs) and be ready to boogie when the writers and editors finally deliver the goods.
And it seems Tufte is some kind of GOD in the info-design scene. It was a good class, anyway. Praise Allah for reimbursements.
Also judging a pretty major category for this year's ASBPE publication design awards. It's been a few years since I've judged, so it's good to dive in again. It's always a devious pleasure to see what all the other adorable little Art Directors are up to. We're such dreadful monsters.
So forget I said anything about the Reservoir. More on that subject coming soon.
I don't know about other art directors, but I know you are neither dreadful nor monstrous.
Lovely is a better adjective, my dear trickster. Hope you're enjoying the nice rainy day today.
how weird I left a message about edward tufte and came back to add a p.s. after I explored his site a bit more and my earlier message has gone missing.
oh well.
I did also mention what a neat and stimulating job you must have - madly busy-ness aside.
anyhow, the previous thoughts have gone off to the ether p.s. was to do with new haven pizza and wondering how e.t. feels and if he's a sally's or a pepe's man!!
Great photo!
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