13 July 2005

Alaska #2 - Juneau

Evidence of "spirited" locals, as posted across the street from the Alaska State Capital Building.

The Mt. Roberts Tramway rises approx. 1900 feet above the docks at a very steep grade. There were about five (!!!!!) cruise ships in that day. Downtown Juneau was overrun with Clean Laundry People. We hastened up the mountain for lunch & a wee hike...

We ended our day in Juneau with a visit to a magnificent Salmon Bake, with some 200 others. Screw the king crab: THIS is the ultimate Alaskan dining experience. I found this youngster looking rather concerned at the salmon on the fire. Everything was perfect. Delicious. Salmon, cornbread, beans, & beer under the insomniac skies of Alaska... One of the peak experiences of the entire trip.

After the meal, we went prowling through the nearby forest, along this stream...found this amazing tree, and a bath of deep green color that would never reproduce in photos...

Part 3 here.

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