12 July 2005

Alaska trip, #1

Still docked: a portion of the Vancouver skyline as seen from the deck of our new home, the ms Statendam. Just like in DC, the old architecture stands obstinately against the new...

Atrium fountain depicting a certain lesbian intrigue (center & left mermaid hold hands proudly, while center secretly embraces right mermaid upon the hip...something happening there, albeit none of my damn business), Statendam

Saxman Native Village, Ketchikan. Tlingit totem poles just outside the Clan House.

Creek Street, Ketchikan. During gold-rush days, this was a row of brothel houses. Now, those buildings are occupied by eager shopkeepers peddling all manner of tourist flotsam.

A charming town. The lazy croak of ravens is everywhere. Their wings slap overhead like wet, black towels. There is no spot in Ketchikan beyond the gaze of a dozen ravens.

Part 2 here.

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